The V Pen and Voice Symbol Software

Voice Symbol Software gives you the opportunity to create talking pictures activated by the simple touch of a V Pen. With this software you can actually design and print your own ‘talking paper’, communication boards and books, which can be accessed through the innovative V Pen.  At Trabasack, we believe this pioneering technology is extremely revol…

Using A V pen for communication

Children using Tablets for Education

Kids using Tablets for Educational Purposes
American Advertising Group Produces New Infographic
The popularity of the iPad is nothing new, we all know it’s a huge hit but did we know how much kids loved it? New statistics have been  put together by Florida agency MDG Advertising in this new infographic. It shows exactly how into tablet technology our children are. More than just fun and games, there is evidence of more kids using tablets for educational purposes rather than anything else.

tablets and education

Communication Aids information from Trabasack

The innovative and original Trabasack is an ergonomically designed and extremely comfortable lay tray bag which is fantastic for accessing communication aids, games and media devices.
The Trabasack is designed to provide:
-       A level and secure surface for your communication aids (e.g. Lightwriter), switches and sensory toys.
-       A comfortable fit as it’s designed to hug the body’s contours. It is also equipped with a padded cushioned base which is ergonomically design…

communication aids blog

Communication Aids Explained | What is a Communication Aid?

What Is A Communication Aid?
This blog focuses mainly on showing the range of communication aids on the market and how they can benefit users with different abilities. A communication aid is designed to help a person communicate with others. They can be anything from a simple letter board to an extremely sophisticated electronic device which can actually speak on behalf of the …

what is a communication aid

AAC Apps for Self Expression – Part 4

In our recent posts covering some of the best AAC apps currently on offer for both iPad and iPhone, we have featured contemporary and easy-to-use AAC aids that we hope will provide both you and your child with a modern and fun way to communicate via touch screen technology.

In part 4 of our AAC iPad app guide we have yet more innovative titles as provided by Jane Farral – a speech pathologist and special educator with over 20 years of practical knowledge in the field of disability and assisti…

self expression apps